Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Any Virgyani
Agus Dwi Wicaksono

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to conserve and provide an arrangement concept for Kembang Jepun area. As the center of trade and commercial district, this area remains to preserve some historic heritage. Unfortunately, the condition is far from being well maintened and has some undersired changes that lessen its image as a historic area. This study utilizes three methods: identification of building and environment conditions, evaluation on the factors affecting building and environment quality, and concept establishment for arrangement of building and environment conservation. The result shows that the building and environment condition discourage the establishment of area identity. The physical damages founded on buildings are caused by three main factors: government’s role, community’s role, and the building itself. The proposed conservation concept resulted from this study are preservation, conservation, gentrification, and demolition strategies, with keeping the existing environment condition and spatial characteristics as its concept for the\area arrangement.
Kata kunci: konservasi, penatan kawasan, kawasan bersejarah

Any Virgyani adalah alumni Prodi PWK FT Unibraw, Antariksa adalah dosen Jurusan Arsitektur FT Unibraw dan Agus Dwi Wicaksono adalah dosen Prodi PWK FT Unibraw Malang.

Any Virgyani, Antariksa, Agus Dwi Wicaksono, 2004, Studi Penataan Kawasan Konservasi Kembang Jepun Surabaya, Jurnal Teknologi, Kejuruan, dan Pengajaran, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Malang, Tahun ke-27 Nomor 1 Februari, hlm. 87-100. ISSN: 0852-0062.

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