Thursday, May 17, 2012

(The Spatial Structure Patterns of Ancient Houses in Bakung Village Udanawu District Blitar)

Siti Maria Ulfa, Antariksa, Ema Yunita Titisari
Jurusan Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik Universitas Brawijaya


The spatial structures of the ancient house in the village of Bakung, Udanawu District, Blitar have uniqueness on spatial changes thus forming a distinctive pattern. This change caused a change in mindset, one of which is influenced by the rapid modernization process of the modern information flow. The uniqueness comes with an adjustment to the condition of their home environment before making any changes. The purpose of this study was to determine the spatial structure pattern, the pattern changes and the factors influencing changes in the pattern. This study uses descriptive methods with historical approach. The study shows the spatial pattern of houses in this village. Changes in spatial structure patterns happen to create a new function, reduced function which may lead to changes in the type of space, symmetry, organization and hierarchy of space. Of these changes led to old-modern conception of the spatial structure pattern of it. Factors affecting change is the basic human needs, new technologies, life style, economy factor, inheritance system and cultures.

Keywords: the spatial structure patterns inner, changes, ancient houses

Tata ruang dalam rumah kuno di Desa Bakung, Kecamatan Udanawu Blitar mempunyai keunikan pada perubahan tata ruang sehingga membentuk suatu pola tersendiri. Perubahan ini disebabkan adanya perubahan pola pikir yang salah satunya dipengaruhi proses modernisasi melalui cepatnya arus informasi modern. Keunikan ini muncul dengan adanya penyesuaian terhadap kondisi lingkungan rumahnya sebelum melakukan perubahan. Tujuan studi ini adalah mengetahui pola tata ruang, pola perubahannya serta faktor yang mempengaruhi perubahan pola tersebut. Studi ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan historis. Hasil studi menunjukkan pola tata ruang rumah di desa ini. Perubahan pola ruang terjadi untuk membuat fungsi baru, pengurangan fungsi yang dapat mengakibatkan perubahan jenis ruang, kesimetrisan, organisasi serta hirarki ruang. Dari perubahan ini memunculkan konsepsi lama-modern pada pola tata ruang dalamnya. Faktor yang mempengaruhi perubahan adalah kebutuhan dasar manusia, teknologi baru, gaya hidup, faktor ekonomi, system hak waris dan budaya.
Kata kunci: pola tata ruang dalam, perubahan, rumah tinggal kuno

Siti Maria Ulfa, Antariksa, Ema Yunita Titisari. 2011. Pola Tata Ruang Dalam Rumah Tinggal Kuno Desa Bakung Kecamatan Udanawu Blitar. Jurnal Tesa Arsitektur. Vol. 9 no. 2. Desember. Hlm. 71-81. ISSN: 1410-6094

Antariksa © 2012

Sunday, April 22, 2012

(The Changes of Bale Tani Building in Sade Village Central Lombok)

Nur Fivi Anggraeny, Antariksa, Noviani Suryasari
Jurusan Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik Universitas Brawijaya


One of manifestations and evidences of Sasak’s culture is the structural shape of its traditional house. As one of local identities, Sasak’s traditional house at Sade village could not avoid the phenomenon of change. This study aims to identify and analyze the physical changes of Bale Tani construction. This study applies historical-qualitative-descriptive research method. The changes mostly happen in the house spatial layout and the door. The change of the door deals with its shape, material, and color. The changes also occur in the building facade by adding openings or vents as pathways of flowing air. The building element that does not change or being kept original and authentic is the roof, of its shape, material, and color as well. People do not change the roof because they feel quite comfortable with it. Besides, the roof is the most important part of the house because it reflects the main characteristic of a traditional house. 

Keywords: the changes of shape, Sasak’s traditional house, Bale Tani.


Salah satu bentuk dari bukti kebudayaan Sasak adalah bentuk bangunan rumah adatnya. Rumah tradisional Suku Sasak di Dusun Sade sebagai identitas lokal tidak luput dari fenomena perubahan. Studi ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis perubahan secara fisik yang terjadi pada bangunan Bale Tani.  Dalam studi ini, digunakan metode penelitian historis - kualitatif - deskriptif. Perubahan yang paling banyak muncul pada rumah tradisional, yakni perubahan pada ruang (denah) dan juga pada elemen pintu secara bentuk maupun material dan warna yang digunakan. Perubahan juga banyak terjadi pada fasade bangunan dengan adanya penambahan bukaan atau ventilasi sebagai jalur keluar masuknya udara. Elemen bangunan yang tidak berubah, yang masih dijaga keasliannya, yakni pada bentukan maupun material dan warna pada atap. Tidak dilakukan perubahan karena masyarakat sudah cukup nyaman dengan pemakaian atap tersebut. Atap merupakan bagian yang paling utama pada rumah karena atap mencerminkan ciri khas dari rumah tradisional.

Kata kunci: perubahan bentuk, rumah tradisional Sasak, bale tani.

Nur Fivi Anggraeny, Antariksa & Noviani Suryasari. 2011. Perubahan Bentuk Bangunan Bale Tani di Dusun Sade Lombok Tengah. Jurnal Tesa Arsitektur. 9 (2): 82-94. ISSN: 1410-6094.

© Antariksa 2012

Friday, March 23, 2012


Antariksa, Fadly Usman, Ika Puspitasari, Hany Perwitasari

Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, University of Brawijaya, Malang Indonesia

The aims of this study are to identify and to analyze the changes of characteristic of Pasuruan's Chinatown through the element of area, history, socio culture, law consideration, and vernacular architecture, especially on façade and ornament of the building. The method used in this study is descriptive, evaluative, and explorative with a qualitative approach. The landmark is the Chinese temple, node is a center of activity, the district is the trading, and the path is roadways with grid systems. Objects of the research is building that can be classified into three periods of time built, the which are <1800-1840 period Empire style that has Indisch that quite famous in Indonesia since 18th century until 1840, the 1850-1890 period, the which represent two different styles the which are Voor 1900 1900 NA style and style, and from 1900 to 1945 period is more influenced by the which Romantiek 1915-1930 style. Perpetuation guide for the physical building preservation for seven buildings have high potential, conservation for 22 buildings have middle potential, and rehabilitation for 17 buildings have low potential. Perpetuation guide for the region are guidance for elements of area, activity limitation function, and make-region identity.

Keywords: characteristics, facade, ornaments, Chinatown.

Antariksa, Fadly Usman, Ika Puspitasari & Hany Perwitasari. 2012. Conservation of Chinatown Area in pasuruan. Journal of Applied Environmental and Biological Sciences (JAEBS). 2 (1):1-8. ISSN 2090-4215.

© Antariksa 2012