Sunday, January 10, 2010

Perkembangan Permukiman dan Tipologi Rumah-Tinggal pada Perumahan Karyawan Pabrik Gula (Studi kasus: Pabrik Gula Pesantren Baru-Kediri)

Dian Wicaksono1, Antariksa2, Harini Subekti3

1 alumni Jurusan Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Brawijaya

2 dosen Jurusan Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Brawijaya

3 dosen Jurusan Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Brawijaya


Effects of Dutch clonialism in Indonesia are widely spread throughout regions, since Dutch clonialization took along times. Almost all aspects of development durung Ditch clonization left a strong footprints, especially in architecture. Sugar factory and its surrounding settlements is one of proofs where Dutch clonialisation gave a strong impact on architecture. Even though, they commonly have similar performance, but each of them has a special architecture. Even though, they commonly have similar performance, but each of them has a special architecture type. This study is aimed to study employee settlement of sugar factory that developed during Dutch colonization. Method of study is based on a case in Pesantren Baru Sugar Factory’s employee settlement in Kediri City, East Java. Analysis of study embarace site history, area development, and housing typology. Through its development process, it is known historically that this factory moved several times into different locations. This type of development inevitably differentiates from other sugar factories in Indonesia and produces many architectural styles and housing types on its employee settlement. This study also found that this type of development affects different layout of settlement areas that corresponds to periodical era (colonial and after-colonial period).

Keywords: housing development, housing typologi, sugar factory

Dian Wicaksono, Antariksa, Harini Subekti. 2009. Perkembangan Permukiman dan Tipologi Rumah-Tinggal pada Perumahan Karyawan Pabrik Gula (Studi kasus: Pabrik Gula Pesantren Baru-Kediri). Jurnal Arsitektur dan Perencanaan. Jurusan Arsitektur dan Perencanaan. Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada. Vol 3. No. 1. April. Hlm. 22-32. ISSN: 1829-6610.

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